FTP is an abbreviation for "File Transfer Protocol".
It is used to upload and download files to an online server. Even if you're not aware of it, probably you utilize FTP on a regular basis. A typical application is downloading online files and when you download large video or music files. Also, people who design web pages will find it indispensable.
FTP addresses resemble website addresses closely, with the exception of the inclusion of ftp:// rather than http:// in the address.
Servers are sometimes dedicated for receipt of FTP connections. This is called an FTP server or site since it is only used to upload or download files; this is similar to a web server which is a computer whose primary purpose is to host web pages.
An FTP Client (Software)
This is an elaborate title for software that is created to move files back and forth through a network. In reality, the Internet is a very large "wide area" network (WAN).
Clients may also include the following features: create folders on the remote server, change permissions (CHMOD), rename files, delete files, transfer multiple files, etc.
Choose Website Builder Software
Website builder software is a great option that is out there for those who want to create a website or two for themselves. Individuals who want to build a business creating websites for others need to learn HTML and other skills for website creation from scratch. However, for the individual who wants a simple website of his or her own, website builder software allows you to put one together and have it up and running in as little as a few hours.
Choosing website builder software that meets your needs requires a little knowledge. The most common type is referred to, by those in the industry, as WYSIWYG builders or What You See Is What You Get builders. These are extremely simple to use and can be easily manipulated effectively by anyone who knows his or her way around a word processor. You basically choose templates, type in your text, use editing tools to make changes, select colors, insert photos and voila you're done. Adding links is done automatically. When you are finished, you click submit and the site will be published for you. It is the ultimate in convenience for website building.
WYSIWYG builders are often included in web hosting packages. There are two main types: online versions that you can use anywhere and downloadable versions that you can use offline and upload your pages when they are finished. There are many different versions of WYSIWYG builders with differing product quality. There are usually tutorials and demos available to help you through the process of building your web pages. There may even be trial offers so you can try them out before you buy them. When you select the web host company and the website builder software, typically you pay the web host company per web site page.
Thanks for giving surprising and brief Idea about FTP...